Sunday, April 13, 2008

'Not a single bite, I promise...'

I just couldn't wait to share this...

Today the kids and I made some 'birdie nests' for Elsa's WILD THING bake sale at school. The first graders are doing a bake sale and the proceeds will go towards a school project in honor of Earth Day. Anyway, we made birds nests out of chinese noodles and melted morsels. I put the cookie sheet with the nests in the fridge so they could harden up before we wrapped them and I left them for a bit.

About an hour later I'm on the computer checking on my Ebay auctions and Ethan comes running in...

Ethan: 'Mom!!! Elsa is eating the birdy nests for the bake sale!!!!'

Me: 'What?? are you kidding me?'

Elsa: (comes running in to defend herself) 'No I'm not mom...I haven't eaten any bird nests at all'

**meanwhile her entire face, and I mean ENTIRE face is covered from ear to ear with chocolate**

Me: 'you promise? not even a single bite?'

Elsa: 'Yup. Not a single bite, I promise...'

1 comment:

James Michael said...

This is why birds don't make nests out of melted morsels. They would end up eating their nests!
